package net.nutch.util; import; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.w3c.dom.html.*; import org.apache.html.dom.*; /** * Class for parsing META Directives from DOM trees. This class * currently handles Robots META directives (all, none, nofollow, * noindex), finding BASE HREF tags, and HTTP-EQUIV no-cache * instructions. */ public class RobotsMetaProcessor { /** * Utility class with indicators for the robots directives "noindex" * and "nofollow", and HTTP-EQUIV/no-cache */ public static class RobotsMetaIndicator { private boolean noIndex= false; private boolean noFollow= false; private boolean noCache= false; private URL baseHref= null; /** * Sets <code>noIndex</code>, <code>noFollow</code> and * <code>noCache</code> to <code>false</code>. */ public void reset() { noIndex= false; noFollow= false; noCache= false; baseHref= null; } /** * Sets <code>noFollow</code> to <code>true</code>. */ public void setNoFollow() { noFollow= true; } /** * Sets <code>noIndex</code> to <code>true</code>. */ public void setNoIndex() { noIndex= true; } /** * Sets <code>noCache</code> to <code>true</code>. */ public void setNoCache() { noCache= true; } /** * Sets the <code>baseHref</code>. */ public void setBaseHref(URL baseHref) { this.baseHref= baseHref; } /** * Returns the current value of <code>noIndex</code>. */ public boolean getNoIndex() { return noIndex; } /** * Returns the current value of <code>noFollow</code>. */ public boolean getNoFollow() { return noFollow; } /** * Returns the current value of <code>noCache</code>. */ public boolean getNoCache() { return noCache; } /** * Returns the <code>baseHref</code>, if set, or <code>null</code> * otherwise. */ public URL getBaseHref() { return baseHref; } } /** * Sets the indicators in <code>robotsMeta</code> to appropriate * values, based on any META tags found under the given * <code>node</code>. */ public static final void getRobotsMetaDirectives( RobotsMetaIndicator robotsMeta, Node node, URL currURL) { robotsMeta.reset(); getRobotsMetaDirectivesHelper(robotsMeta, node, currURL); } private static final void getRobotsMetaDirectivesHelper( RobotsMetaIndicator robotsMeta, Node node, URL currURL) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if ("BODY".equals(node.getNodeName())) { // META tags should not be under body return; } if ("META".equals(node.getNodeName())) { NamedNodeMap attrs= node.getAttributes(); Node nameNode= attrs.getNamedItem("name"); if (nameNode != null) { if ("robots".equalsIgnoreCase(nameNode.getNodeValue())) { Node contentNode= attrs.getNamedItem("content"); if (contentNode != null) { String directives= contentNode.getNodeValue().toLowerCase(); int index= directives.indexOf("none"); if (index >= 0) { robotsMeta.setNoIndex(); robotsMeta.setNoFollow(); } index= directives.indexOf("all"); if (index >= 0) { // do nothing... } index= directives.indexOf("noindex"); if (index >= 0) { robotsMeta.setNoIndex(); } index= directives.indexOf("nofollow"); if (index >= 0) { robotsMeta.setNoFollow(); } } } // end if (name == robots) } // end if (nameNode != null) Node HTTPEquivNode= attrs.getNamedItem("http-equiv"); if ( (HTTPEquivNode != null) && ("Pragma".equalsIgnoreCase(HTTPEquivNode.getNodeValue())) ) { Node contentNode= attrs.getNamedItem("content"); if (contentNode != null) { String content= contentNode.getNodeValue().toLowerCase(); int index= content.indexOf("no-cache"); if (index >= 0) robotsMeta.setNoCache(); } } } else if ("BASE".equalsIgnoreCase(node.getNodeName())) { NamedNodeMap attrs= node.getAttributes(); Node hrefNode= attrs.getNamedItem("href"); if (hrefNode != null) { String urlString= hrefNode.getNodeValue(); URL url= null; try { if (currURL == null) url= new URL(urlString); else url= new URL(currURL, urlString); } catch (Exception e) { ; } if (url != null) robotsMeta.setBaseHref(url); } } } NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); if ( children != null ) { int len = children.getLength(); for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { getRobotsMetaDirectivesHelper(robotsMeta, children.item(i), currURL); } } } }